
Assessment of variable importance by random forests

 Assessment of variable importance by random forests  Fig. 9.8 Assessment of variable importance by random forests: the left plot shows the mean decrease in accuracy and the right the mean decrease in Gini index, both after permuting indi vidual variable values Furthermore, it appears that in practice random forests are very robust to changes in settings: averaging many trees also takes away a lot of the dependence on the exact value of parameters. In practice, the only parameter that is sometimes optimized is the number of trees (Efron and Hastie 2016), and even that usually has very little effect. This has caused random forests to be called one of the most powerful off-the-shelf classifiers available.  Just like the classification and regression trees seen in Sect. 7.3, random forests can also be used in a regression setting. Take the gasoline data, for instance: training a model using the default settings can be achieved with the following command. > ga...

Random Forests

 Random Forests The combination of bagging and tree-based methods is a good one, as we saw in the last section. However, Breiman and Cutler saw that more improvement could be obtained by injecting extra variability into the procedure, and they proposed a number of modifications leading to the technique called Random Forests (Breiman 2001) lipofectamine 2000 . Again, bootstrapping is used to generate data sets that are used to train an ensemble of trees. One key element is that the trees are constrained to be very simple—only few nodes are allowed, and no pruning is applied. Moreover, at every split, only a subset of all variables is considered for use. Both adaptations force diversity into the ensemble, which is the key to why improvements can be obtained with aggregating.   It can be shown (Breiman 2001) that an upper bound for the generalization error is given by ˆE ≤ ¯ρ(1 − q2 )/q2 where ¯ρ is the average correlation between predictions of individual trees...

Integrated Modelling and Validation

 Integrated Modelling and Validation The bootstrap is such a versatile technique, that it has found application in many different areas of science. This has led to a large number of R packages implementing some form of the bootstrap—at the moment of writing, the package list of the CRAN repository contains already four other packages in between the packages boot and bootstrap already mentioned. To name just a couple of examples: package FRB contains functions for applying bootstrapping in robust statistics; DAIM provides functions for error estimation including the 0 Cell Counting Kit-8 structure .632 and 0.632+ estimators. Using EffectiveDose it is possible to estimate the effects of a drug, and in particular to determine the effective dose level—bootstrapping is provided for the calculation of confidence intervals. Packages meboot and BootPR provide machinery for the application of bootstrapping in time series.   9.7 Integrated Modelling and Validation ...

The boot package provides the function boot

 The boot package provides the function boot The percentile method was the first attempt at deriving confidence intervals from bootstrap samples (Efron 1979) and has enjoyed huge popularity; however, one can show that the intervals are, in fact, incorrect. If the intervals are not symmetric (and it Fig. 9.6 Regression vector and 95% confidence intervals for the individual coefficients, for the PCR model of the gasoline data with four PCs. Confidence intervals are obtained with the bootstrap percentile method can be seen in Fig. 9.6 that this is quite often the case—it is one of the big advantages of bootstrapping methods that they are able to define asymmetric intervals), it can be shown that the percentile method uses the skewness of the distribution the wrong way around (Efron and Tibshirani 1993). Better results are obtained by so-called studentized confidence intervals Necrosulfonamide , in which the statistic of interest is given by tb = θˆb − θˆ ˆσb (9.19) where θ...

Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients

 Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients It now should be clear what is the philosophy behind the 0.632 estimator. What it estimates, in fact, is the amount of optimism associated with the RMSEC value, ˆω0.632: ˆω0.632 = 0.632(MSEC − ¯εB) (9.17) The original estimate is then corrected for this optimism: ˆε0.632 = MSEC + ˆω0.632 (9.18) which leads to Eq. 9.16.  Several R packages are available that contain functions for bootstrapping. Perhaps the two best known ones are bootstrap, associated with Efron and Tibshirani (1993), and boot, written by Angelo Canty and implementing functions from Davison and Hinkley (1997). The former is a relatively simple package, maintained mostly to support Efron and Tibshirani (1993)—boot, a recommended package, is the primary general implementation of bootstrapping in R. The implementation of the 0.632 estimator using boot is done in a couple of steps (Davison and Hinkley 1997, p. 324). First, the bootstrap samples are genera...

the expression and distribution of MICAL2 negative

 W. Zhou, et al. Cancer Letters 483 (2020) 75–86 In the present study, the expression and distribution of MICAL2 negative; 1, weak; 2, moderate; and 3, strong. PP was defined as fol- wereanalyzedinLUADtissuearrays,aswellasitsrelationshipwiththe lows: 0, negative; 1, 1–10% positive cells; 2, 11–50% positive cells; 3, clinicopathological characteristics of LUAD patients. Cell experiments 51–80% positive cells; and 4, more than 80% positive cells. Slices revealed tumor-promoting effects (growth, invasion, and EMT) invol- scoringnolessthan4pointswereclassifiedasimmunoreactive[24,25]. ving MICAL2 pathways in LUAD cell lines. Furthermore, our findings identifiedMICAL2asanucleocytoplasmicshuttlingprotein.Finally,the 2.4. Plasmids and constructs regulation and cytological function of MICAL2 nuclear export were investigated both in vitro and in vivo. The shMICAL2s were synthesized and purified by Hanyin Biotech Co. (Shanghai, China) and integrated into pHY-316 vector (Hanyin 2. Mate...

Immunohisto chemical analysis of MICAL2 expression in LUADs and paired normal lung tissues

 W. Zhou, et al. Cancer Letters 483 (2020) 75–86 Fig. 1. Immunohistochemical analysis of MICAL2 expression in LUADs and paired normal lung tissues and its relationship to clinicopathological char- acteristics: A. MICAL2 expression levels are relatively lower in normal lung tissues and solely located in the nucleus, while it is highly expressed in LUADs and is mainlylocatedinthecytoplasm.TheMIofMICAL2inLUADsishighercomparedtopairednormallungtissues.Incontrasttopairednormallungtissues,mostLUADs have lower nuclear IRSs yet higher cytoplasmic IRSs. B. MICAL2 expression is higher in LUADs with lymphatic metastasis than in LUADs without lymphatic metastasis. Compared withnon-lymphatic-metastasis LUADs, lymphatic-metastasis LUADs have higher total and cytoplasmic MICAL2 expression levels, while there is no significant difference in nuclear MICAL2 levels. C. Total and cytoplasmic MICAL2 expression levels, but not nuclear MICAL2 expression levels, in LUAD are related to poor progn...